Exercise and Bodywork


Gifted with her hands in therapeutic bodywork and skilled at numerous mind body techniques, Dana has significantly helped my back and leg pain. She offers practical exercises that can be easily incorporated into a busy work day to sustain the benefits from our sessions. She is sensitive and patient, and heals with a wonderful sense of humor. I am very grateful to work with her.

Robert Schiller, M.D., Chair, Department of Family Medicine, Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center

Dana is a highly caring and knowledgeable practitioner. Her attention to detail, intuitive touch and ability to tune into a client's needs all bring deep and lasting results. I recommend her without reservation to anyone seeking improved functioning and general well-being.

Susan Rossman, Physical Therapist

I highly recommend Dana Seman as a valuable practitioner in your pursuit and maintenance of good health. She is an intelligent and insightful professional who understands that an individualized approach is key in health, healing and fitness.

Peter J. D'Adamo, Physician
Author, "Eat Right 4 Your Type"

It was amazing working with you. You were my first trainer I ever worked with and it was always a delight! You made training really fun and you were the most sensitive to alerting me long ago to not just training but answering my nutritional questions as well! If I lived in New York you would still be my trainer today!

Isaac Julien, Artist & Filmmaker

For over a decade, our weekly session has been one of my pillars of health. The most relaxing, rejuvenating hour of my week.

John Britton

Dana is magical. Her touch gives energy, and heals. And her insight shows her where and how to touch, how to make your movement flow, and how to inspire you. To see one sign of what she does, watch her own body when she moves: fluid, alive, full of humor and grace. She gives you something special, something you won’t get anywhere else.

Greg Sandow, Graduate Faculty, Julliard School

I had terrible sciatica that made it painful to walk, let alone run, which I've loved to do for exercise. A friend referred me to Dana. Not only was the pain relieved within several sessions, but she taught me the right stretching and strengthening exercises to prevent it from coming back. It's been 2 years without any pain, for which I'm so grateful.

But an almost equally wonderful aspect of working with Dana happens after the exercises: the bodywork! She has a sensational gift of just the right touch to give me the deepest relaxation I've ever felt. I often fall asleep at the end of a session. I highly recommend Dana's help to heal sore muscles, or simply to treat yourself to one of the most relaxing sessions you'll ever experience.

Ellen Voynow, Tax Consultant

Of all the massages I've gotten in my life, Dana's are the very best...great eye, great hands, great assessment, great solutions. She comes to your home, she listens and she goes to work on what's bothering you, and on all of you. You're refreshed.

Jill Godmilow, Filmmaker

I have a career which keeps me on my feet, standing most of the day. My bunions, which run in my family, were getting worse. Dana quickly helped me to stand and walk correctly and also gave me some foot exercises. I can now stand all day and go on long walks without any discomfort. She didn't just make my feet feel better, she educated me on why I needed to make these small changes, which I was able to commit to. I am no longer looking for doctors for surgery and I appreciate the lasting knowledge Dana has given me!

Enrico Gargano, Hair stylist

Life changing! How else can I say exercising with Dana has always been. I was a late starter to exercise, but it changed my life. I believe that my sessions with her are the basis of my current good health and mobility. The massage which often followed did so much to relieve my anxiety and tension. It was a joy. I looked forward to it after a stressful time in the office. It was time so well spent.

Lillian D. Nash M.D., Physician

My wife has Parkinson's Disease and exercise is one of the best ways to slow it's progression. Dana Seman has been working with my wife in this capacity for more than ten years. We have found her to be compassionate, knowledgeable and effective and are pleased to recommend her.

Edgar Koerner